Neversink Online Market Farming Course

The leading educational platform for small scale growers

Neversink Online Farming Course - Lifetime Membership

$2,900 -Enrollment Closed   

The most extensive and advanced market farm course ever produced, at $700 off enrollment price. Over 100 hours of content that you can watch on your own time, at your own pace, with related reference material for you to download. Pick and choose content relevant for you from the extensive library on how to buy land, set up infrastructure, utilities, equipment, build and maintain greenhouses. Included are deep intensives on vegetable, flower and herb growing and marketing.

Your lifetime membership includes:
  • Access to the entire library of courses
  • Discounts to tools & supplies from Neversink and our retail partners all over the world.
  • New content released regularly.
  • Access to the Neversink community forums
  • Ask Conor Crickmore any follow-up questions
  • Terms and conditions apply.

Your Mentor and Teacher

Conor Crickmore

"This course is epic in breadth and knowledge. I took (another popular) online farm course, and the Neversink Course puts it to shame. Now I really know how to create a farm."

-James, Farmer

"Covers in depth all aspects of building a profitable farm business and it has kept delivering for me for years. Discounts too. Thanks Conor!"

-Peter, Farm Owner

"This course is the only way we were able to get going and make profit in our first (this) year. We continually use it as a reference and it has helped us in so many ways. If you’re on the fence, do it!"

-John Loughrey, Farmer

Neversink Market Farming Course Syllabus

The Essentials of Market Farming (Over 24 Hours)
Marketing, Sales and Managing Employees Module (5 Hours)
Flower Farming Master Course (5 Hours)
More Revenue Streams
Starting a Farm Intensive
Vegetable Reference
Herb Farming Course (Over 5 Hours)
Bonus Features

Greenhouse Crop (Tomato, Pepper, Cucumber) Growing Syllabus (Included)

Designing and Building Hoop Houses (5 Hours)
Greenhouse Crop Production (9 Hours)

Winter Growing Course Syllabus (Included)

Guide to Winter Production
Winter Crops
Movable Hoop Houses
Season Extension Techniques
Growing in Four Seasons Intensive

What Members are Saying

Neversink Farm Course

How is this Course Different?

Watch Diego Footer at Neversink Farm

"The discounts alone are paying for the cost of this course."* -Will Morin , Course Member

More Member Comments

Neversink Farm Course

Frequently Asked Questions

Course Content Questions

If I am using a tractor, will this course still be helpful?


Absolutely. Conor began farming using a BCS two-wheel tractor. He switched to no-till practices more than a decade and a half ago. While he may try to convince you to reduce your tillage, 99% of the course is not related to your bed management systems. That said, if you are interested in no-till then this is the course for you.

Will the course content be applicable to my region of the world?


While local adaptations certainly must always be made, the course is applicable to any farm anywhere. We currently have active course members all over the world, in over 50 countries, including tropical zones on multiple continents. The course goes in depth on managing systems, farming efficiently, soil, hoop house design, propagation techniques, putting up fences, transplanting, creating a lease, vegetable wash and storage, marketing, trellising, climate controls, irrigation, maximizing profit, etc. etc. all of which can be applied anywhere. Most of farming has little to do with your location. For example, you may water more or less. You may bury your lines deeper or shallower or not at all. but your watering infrastructure (sprinklers, hydrants, drip, etc..) and systems (pipes and fittings) for getting things irrigated remains the same regardless of where you are. This is true for most aspects of farming. The systems of efficiency can be applied anywhere.

Can I purchase just the Flower Course or individual lessons or modules?


Farming successfully is not just about growing a specific crop, or one technique or system. Farms are efficient and profitable when they improve many aspects of farming simultaneously - irrigation, soil, wash station, systems, infrastructure, marketing etc...

To remove the five hour cut flower intensive, the many hour WInter Production Course, or even individual lessons/modules from the rest of the course would not make sense. Everything in farming is connected.

For example, a lesson just on Broccoli would not solve a farm businesses issues or help to make it more profitable without understanding the complete systems, infrastructure, prop house techniques, soil balancing, seedling schedules, disease and pests, and marketing. A farm may believe a problem they have is localized but it rarely is and is almost always connected to other aspects of their farm.

This course is about creating a profitable farming business and all parts of the course are relevant to each other and are all necessary. Conor wants to offer a complete picture of a successful farm business, so the course must remain whole for maximum benefit.

How does this compare to your YouTube videos?


I go into far greater detail in the course. The course is organized and jammed packed with downloadable material. Also every tool and supply that I use at the farm is linked. Though there is really no comparison in terms of the amount of content, I do bring the easy to watch approach along with beautiful cinematography into the course. It is not just me talking to the camera. You will be fully immersed into the farm experience.

How many lessons are there and how many hours of content?


Lessons are being added regularly so it is hard to keep a running count but there are well over 200 video lessons in the course with an average length of ten minutes to forty five minutes each. Total video content is over one hundred hours and growing. For those who like information quickly, videos can be watched at an increased speed.

Will there be tests or quizes?


There will not be tests within the course. This course is about building a farm business. Your home work is to take what you have learned in the course and implement it. It is about doing, not mesmerizing information. There are cheatsheets to take with you and you can always come back and refresh on the information you have forgotten.

Do you cover the paperpot system?


Yes. It is a major tool at Neversink Farm and is the leading labor reduction method for planting your crops. I know most courses leave it out but I cover it extensively. Beyond that, every member gets discounts to paperpot tools and supplies through the Neversink Paperpot Posse.

Is the course for beginners?


While the course certainly covers many things that you will not be able to implement immediately, it will give you a bigger picture of where you are going and what you are working toward. It can serve as a sort of road-map for your farm, including covering tons of things that are immediately applicable (choosing and preparing land, soil improvements, organizational systems, weeds, pests and disease, and tons more)  as well as more advanced things that you will need to be planning toward. This will help you avoid mistakes and keep you from losing money having to rework things that were not done right from the start. We also have many members who do not farm but just really enjoy watching the videos and planning their future farm.

Is the course for experienced growers?


We currently have active course members all over the world and in very diverse stages of developing their farms, from beginners to very experienced. The course is built to go into great depth about every system that Conor has put into place to run an efficient and profitable farm. Conor covers everything from how he grows specific vegetables to how he manages employees and organizes work spaces. He includes organizational documents that he uses such as employee checklists and employee contracts. He discusses not only how his farm works now, but also how he started small and grew from there. The course is all about managing systems, farming efficiently, and maximizing profit. It is many, many hours of material, and our most successful students are those who loyally engage the content and begin immediately implementing it at whatever scale they are able to at the time. 

Some more experienced members actually learn that they have to unlearn much of what they've been doing and that they could have saved a lot of money if they had done it differently from the beginning.

Is this course about organic practices?


Neversink Farm has been certified Organic since its first year as a farm. All of the Farms Practices conform to the National Organic Practices. Conor only teaches organic farming practices.

Will I have direct interaction with Conor?


In the forum, you can ask Conor direct questions about farming and he usually answers within a day. This is completely unique to this course as it isn't something you will find elsewhere.

Can I ask questions about farming or about the course?

We do however ask that members refrain from asking non-farming questions for example those concerning legal or accounting issues.

Can I ask questions about my farm specifically?


Questions that are super specific to your personal situation are not easy to answer and cannot be answered well, like “How should I spend my money or what crop will sell at my market?” I much prefer more general farming questions from which everyone can get value. For example – “What should I consider when purchasing a greenhouse or how to determine which products to start growing my first year?”

Conor grosses more than $400k on 1.3 acres at his farm, will this be covered?


This course is not about some secret to duplicating my success but about the 100s of things I do at Neversink Farm which contribute to that success. Learning from a successful (profitable) farm is the way to increase profits on your own. Farming is hard work though.  Be ready to work for it!

I saw some other farm courses. How is the Neversink Course different?


It is different for a few reasons

  1. The Neversink Farm Course was the first course of its kind as it was one of the first farms to earn the kind of profits that it does and many at the time thought it was not possible. Conor wanted to share his knowledge to demonstrate to other farmers that that kind of success is achievable.
  2. Conor has spent years documenting how Neversink Farm operates, and he continues to add to the course regularly. Many of the makers of the other courses took this one first, so they are very much based on the Neversink Farm Course.
  3. There are many past members duplicating Neversink Farm's success using methods gleaned from this course. It is absolutely wonderful to see that farmers no longer question the possibilities of earning a good living as a small-scale farmer.
  4. Many courses are about teaching you how to grow specific vegetables. These courses are even organized that way. Growing great vegetables is just a small part of successful farming but that alone will not create profits.  The Neversink Farm Course combines the knowledge of growing with the importance of creating an efficient business.
  5. The Neversink Course is by far, the most comprehensive. Look at the syllabus and that will be obvious.
Technical Questions

When will there be another enrollment period?


If an enrollment is scheduled, there will be a date displayed at the top of this page. If it is currently an enrollment period, the next one has not yet been scheduled. 

Is the course live or at my own pace?


The course can be done whenever you have time. It is written and in video. Lifetime members can come back and rewatch material for the life of the course. Some members take years to go through the material while others go through it in just a few months.

What do I need to view the course?


These are ONLINE courses with HD VIDEOS, thus it is best that you have a fast internet connection to get the best experience. It is recommended to have at least 3 mbps speed service. You can get by with 1.5 mbps but you will need to set a lower quality video setting and it may not always work. Please check these numbers with your ISP. Do not count on your experience with Netflix or Youtube.

Can I download course content?


There are loads of PDFs, Text Documents, and spreadsheets for Download. It is not possible to download video material, obtain dvds, or the course itself, however. The reasons for this are numerous but the main reasons are that 1) The course is well over 2 TB in size thus it is way too big. 2) It is in a special format that is organized with links and text with customized tracking capabilities 3) We are continually updating and adding to every aspect of the course. 4) There are over 200 individual video lessons and growing all the time.

Can I Access the course on my desktop, tablet and phone?


Yes. Not at the same time but you can log in from all your devices. The Course is mobile friendly and works extremely well on your smart phone.

Is there any material in the course that I can download (pdf,doc,etc) and take with me?


There is course material in PDF form that can be downloaded. There are close to 60 PDF docs.

Financial Questions

After I purchase a lifetime membership, are there more fees?


Absolutely not. Once you pay the lifetime registration price, that is it. As a matter of fact, that is when you start getting incredible discounts for tools, so its like you are getting money back after that.

Do you offer discounts to the course?


Some enrollment periods do have certain discounts or offers but we do not release details until the first day of enrollment. Discounts and offers are only good for those enrolling during that period and not available to existing or future members. 

How do the discounts on tools and supplies work?


The list of partners who are currently offering discounts can be found on this page. Everyone listed is giving exclusive discounts to members.  Most discounts are about 10%.

A lifetime yearly discount of 10% is given to all members on most Neversink Farm Tools. We also provide significant specials to members-only throughout the year. Membership to the Neversink Paperpot Posse discount is included as well with course membership which is good for paperpot supplies.

United Kingdom - Our partner in the UK presently offers the same discounts to members so if you are in the UK, you still can take advantage of reduced prices on Neversink Farm Tools.

We make no claims or guarantees about the discounts given by our partners to members in the course. The partners can change or invalidate them at any time. Partners decide which products they are good for and for how long they are valid.

Do you offer scholarships?


We have provided over 140 scholarships to new and in-need farmers through Conor's Beginning Farmer Project. We take applications for our Beginner Farmer Project once a year. There is a long application to fill out and It is highly competitive as we get hundreds of applicants and only award a handful. Next application period will not be for a while. and we have not set a date. If you are on the waitlist, you will be notified. 

What if I am dissapointed, is there a guarantee?


We know you will love the course so we guarantee that this course is as described. Check details at bottom of this page. 

Do you have a payment plan?


Yes we have a three month payment plan option. Details are released during enrollment periods

Still Have Questions


Neversink Farm Course

Just a Few of our Member's Farms

But you do not need a farm to join

Ten Mothers Farm     website    instagram

La Ferme Végétale     website    instagram

Village Greens of Willunga Creek     website    instagram

Farmers Assisting Returning Military F.A.R.M.     website

Vegetable Power Farm     website    instagram

Hand Sown Home Grown     website    instagram

Flourish Produce     website    instagram

Alight Flower Farm     website    instagram

South Harpeth Farm     website    instagram

Greengro Guey Farm     instagram

Le Jardin des Funambules     website    instagram

Rattlebox Farm     website    instagram

Sunset Market Gardens     website    instagram

Uber Greens Farm     website    instagram

A Still, Small Farm     website    instagram

Snuck Farm     website    instagram

Abrahams Table Farm     website

Little Big Farm     website    instagram

Cycle Farm     website

Red Hawk Farm     website    instagram

Green Stems Farm     website

Ziva Farma     website    instagram

G’day Farm     website    instagram

Gray Fox Market Garden     website    instagram

Blue Shirt Farm     website    instagram

Singlethread Farms     website    instagram

Purple Skies Farm     website    instagram

The Naked Acre Farm     website    instagram

Flying Coyote Farm     website    instagram

Cranberry Rock Farm     website    instagram

Legummes     website

Leaning Oak Farms     website    instagram

10th Street Farm and Market     website    instagram

Good Harvest Farm     website    instagram

Greenfork Market Garden     website    instagram

Pearl Blossom Orchard     website    instagram

Snowbird Farm     website    instagram

Lineage Farm     website    instagram

Hillview Farms     website    instagram

Firmly Rooted Farm     website    instagram

Heart Beet Organics     website    instagram

Bentum Family Farm     website

918 Farms    instagram

Martha’s Farm     website    instagram

Foggy Notion Farm     website    instagram

Two Pitchforks Farm     website    instagram

Old Soul Farm     website    instagram

Merrimack Farm     website

Two Barn Farm     website    instagram

Red Shirt Farm     website    instagram

Pine Ridge Hollow     website    instagram

Neversink Farm Course

Even more Member Praise (Thank you so much!)

Peace of Mind
